Our children and grandchildren may no longer be safe at school, and as grant professionals, we must do what we can to improve safety in schools.
Having a bookshelf of valuable resources (and a pantry of snacks) is vital for a grant professional’s success, and an education grant professional's success.
Vince Lombardi once said that “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” Coach Lombardi is one of the most famous coaches in football history because of his astounding leadership and teamwork on and off the field.
Find out about the four avenues to secure grant monies for earthquake preparedness at schools.
There are many ways to sustain grant projects -- embrace the question.
Become a team player and collaborate your way to success. These online collaboration tools can help.
Know those funny extra charges on your mobile telephone bill? They help fund phone, internet, and broadband services for schools and libraries throughout the United States. That might make you feel a little better about paying that bill every month.
Entitlement and competitive grants may come from various funding sources, but they both present hard work to acquire.
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